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Memory(-Leak) and Exception Trace (CRT and COM Leaks)

category 개발언어/c++ 2016. 7. 16. 17:50

메모리 누수 Check 관련 소스 인데 출처는 잘 기억이 나지 않지만 나중에 참조 할 일이 있어서 일단 보관해 놓는다.






With this utility you can simply find memory leaks in your program (CRT and COM-Leaks!). Each leak is displayed with the callstack (including the source line) of the allocation. So, you can easily find leaks, while using the STL. It will also write a file with the callstack if your application crashes (it can also handle stack-overflows!). It almost has no runtime-overhead (runtime-cost). And the best: it is free (GNU Lesser General Public License).

Finding memory leaks

It is easy to implement this in your existing VC code:

  1. All the leaks will be listed in the file YouAppName.exe.mem.log in the application directory (only in debug builds; it is deactivated for release builds). This will also activate exception-handling by default (release and debug builds).

    Only use exception-handling

    If you only want to use exception handing, you need to do the following:

  2. If an exception occurs, it will write a file with the callstack in the application directory with the name YouAppName.exe.exp.log.


    A simple example is given below:

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    #include <span


    #include <span



    void main()


    						// Uncomment the following if you only

    							// need the UnhandledException-Filter

    							// (to log unhandled exceptions)

    							// then you can remove the "(De)InitAllocCheck" lines





    						// This shows how the mem-leak function works

    							char *pTest1 = new


    						// This shows a COM-Leak



    						// This shows the exception handling

    							// and log-file writing for an exception:

    							// If you want to try it, please comment it out...

    							//char *p = NULL;

    							//*p = 'A'; // BANG!




    If you execute this example, you will get a file Appication-Name.exe.mem.log with the following content:

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    ##### Memory Report ########################################

    11/07/02 09:43:56


    ##### Leaks: ###############################################

    RequestID:           42, Removed: 0, Size:          100

    1: 11/07/02 09:43:56

    1: f:\vs70builds\9466\vc\crtbld\crt\src\dbgheap.c(359)

                                  +30 bytes (_heap_alloc_dbg)

    1: f:\vs70builds\9466\vc\crtbld\crt\src\dbgheap.c(260)

                                  +21 bytes (_nh_malloc_dbg)

    1: f:\vs70builds\9466\vc\crtbld\crt\src\dbgheap.c(139) +21 bytes (malloc)

    1: f:\vs70builds\9466\vc\crtbld\crt\src\newop.cpp(12) +9 bytes (operator new)

    1: d:\privat\memory_and_exception_trace\

                memory_and_exception_trace\main.cpp(9) +7 bytes (main)

    1: f:\vs70builds\9466\vc\crtbld\crt\src\crt0.c(259)

                                   +25 bytes (mainCRTStartup)


    **** Number of leaks: 1


    ##### COM-Leaks: ###############################################


    **** Number of leaks: 1


    Now, I will explain the Memory-Report-File:

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    RequestID:           42, Removed: 0, Size:          100

    This line is the beginning of one leak. If you have more than one leak, then each leak will start with a RequestID.