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category 개발언어/c++ 2016. 6. 13. 01:24

VS리소스 에디터에서 툴을 사용하면 디자인 모드에서

Edit Box옆에서 스핀버튼을 버디로 선언하면 알아서 탭순서에 따라 버디로 선언된 컨트롤에 가서 붙는다.

그런데 필요에 따라 버디 기능을 활성화 하거나 비활성화 하려면

아래 코드와 같이 사용하면 된다.



Creating a Control at Runtime

The CAxWindow class provides a mechanism to create and host ActiveX controls in a similar manner to any other window class. This may be desirable if the parent window of the control is also created at runtime.


CAxWindow wnd;

//m_hWnd is the parent window handle

//rect is the size of ActiveX control in client coordinates

//IDC_MYCTL is a unique ID to identify the controls window

RECT rect = {10,10,400,300};

wnd.Create(m_hWnd, rect, _T("esriReaderControl.ReaderControl"), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, 0, IDC_MYCTL);

Setting the Buddy Control Property

The ToolbarControl and TOCControl need to be associated with a "buddy" control on the dialog box. This is typically performed in the OnInitDialog windows message handler of a dialog box.

LRESULT CEngineControlsDlg::OnInitDialog(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)


// Get the Control's interfaces into class member variables

GetDlgControl(IDC_TOOLBARCONTROL, IID_IToolbarControl, (void **) &m_ipToolbarControl);

GetDlgControl(IDC_TOCCONTROL, IID_ITOCControl, (void **) &m_ipTOCControl);

GetDlgControl(IDC_PAGELAYOUTCONTROL, IID_IPageLayoutControl, (void **) &m_ipPageLayoutControl);

// Connect to the controls

AtlAdviseSinkMap(this, TRUE);

// Set buddy controls



return TRUE;


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